Summer Tournament 2022

  • Post category:Posts

Congratulations to the following group winners:

  • Major – Steve Riley
  • Challengers – Matthew Timbrell
  • Intermediate – Robbie Hirst
  • Minor – Jayden Gamlin, Paul Zanelli (Joint First)

All the groups were really competitive and close, with plenty of interesting games and very few draws. Full details of the final tables below.


  • Steve Riley 2.5
  • Clive Walley 2
  • Patrick Flores 1.5


  • Matthew Timbrell 2.5
  • Andreas Stalidis 2
  • Paul Osborne 1
  • Martin Archbold 0.5


  • Robbie Hirst 2.5
  • Rob Draper 2
  • Jason Daye 1.5
  • Roy Whaley 0


  • Jayden Gamlin / Paul Zanelli 2
  • Phevos Stalidis / William Waldron 1