Club Championship 23/24

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The club championship has really become a major part of our club life with thirty participants this year. This has been increasing significantly over recent years with only ten taking part in 2022, and twenty two in 2023.
Congratulations to Matthew Dishman who is this year’s club champion. Please see below for the final crosstable for the competition.
The key game took place in round 5, when he played the competition’s top rated player Steve Riley with black. Steve had already dropped half a point in an earlier round playing white against Clive Walley, so needed a win. In a tense game, Matthew boldly sacrificed the exchange to obtain a better position both over the board and on the clock. Although Steve managed to equalise over the board, he was under time pressure and found that his position deteriorated again until he lost on time in a worse position. Matthew was able to secure the title with a win in round 6 against Bob Gore. This was again a tense finish with Bob in a difficult position but with both players down to five minutes. Matthew was able to convert the position and claim the title.
Well done Matthew! It is a shame that you will not be able to defend your title next year, though we are pleased that you have managed to secure a job elsewhere now that you have finished your degree at Bath University. We wish you every success in the future.
Eliott van Steirteghem, Dmitriy Borodkin, Mauro Farina and Josh Tucker all deserve a mention for a great performance in the tournament.